本活動因受防疫措施升級而取消_台北藍調特演 Nicholas McBride Trio
6月10日 週四
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
本活動因受防疫措施升級而取消尼古拉斯·麥克布賴德來自澳洲 是一位全球巡演經驗豐富的資深鼓手 藝精享譽亞洲流行/爵士樂壇。本次領銜登場首演將帶來新意詮釋的經典吉他三重奏 Known for his versatility and eclectic musical taste, Nicholas has performed, recorded and toured 17 countries in his music career so far. The BNT debut of Nicholas’s new project performs modern guitar trio classics.
2021年6月10日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
2021.06.10 Thu NT$520 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
晚間九點開演 八點起開放入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. / Live Music Charge for 2 people cover one bottle wine.
[ Nicholas McBride | Drums ] [ 李世鈞 Shih-chun Lee | Guitar ] [ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ]
尼古拉斯·麥克布賴德來自澳洲 是一位全球巡演經驗豐富的資深鼓手 藝精享譽亞洲流行/爵士樂壇。本次領銜登場首演將帶來新意詮釋的經典吉他三重奏 Known for his versatility and eclectic musical taste, Nicholas has performed, recorded and toured 17 countries in his music career so far. The BNT debut of Nicholas’s new project performs modern guitar trio classics.
Nicholas McBride 是一名來自於澳洲的鼓 手。他自2002 年起常駐於中國上海。Nicholas 畢 業於澳洲國立大學爵士樂 專業。 在 1992 年到 2002 年期間,Nicholas 移居雪梨,錄製了總數超過 20 張的專輯。其中合作的澳洲作曲家有 Sean Wayland, Mark de Clive- Lowe, Gerard Masters Trio, 以及 Lily Dior 。 同時他成立了 90 年代雪梨最成功的非營利性的原創音樂組織“Jazzgroove”以 及堪培拉“Jazz Initiative”的創始人之一。Nicholas 從 5 歲便有敏銳節奏感的天份,在 5 歲習鼓,在過去的 30 年間,他參與製作專輯錄製、巡迴演出、現身於各大音樂節,以自由音樂人的 身份活躍在世界各地。與此同時 Nicholas 擔任 Music director of The Venetian Macao ,並在旗下的威尼斯人和金沙酒店演出。也是上海和平飯力 邀常駐鼓手。 Nicholas McBride is an Australian drummer, band leader and educator currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. He spent 10 years freelancing in Sydney, then 18 years in Shanghai where he was based since 2002. Known for his versatility and eclectic musical taste, Nicholas has performed, recorded and toured 17 countries in his music career so far with musicians in Australia, South Africa, Kenya, India, the U.S.
[ 李世鈞 Shih-chun Lee | Guitar ]
北德州大學 爵士吉他演奏主修 學士畢業 18 歲開始接觸古典吉他, 在 25 歲左右 接觸 Blues , Fusion, Jazz. 在27歲前往美國念書,並事師於Fred Hamilton, Lynn Seaton , Ed Soph, Stefan Karlsson, Gilad Heksenman, Lage Lund, John Stowell ,Sriji, Andy Jaffe 等。結束學業後 回國以音樂為職業。喜歡接觸不同的音樂風格,多年來與不同的樂團合作,在舞台上演出 Hip-Hop, Funk, Reggie, Soul, Fusion, Afro- Cuban Band, Pop , symphony Orchestra, Musical 等多樣的音樂風格。曾受邀於 Glastonbury Music Festival (英國)、Denton Texas Jazz Festival (丹頓爵士音樂節)、Texas State Fair(德州州慶)、台中爵士音樂節、台北爵士音樂節、兩廳戶外爵士派對 、兩廳院夏日爵士音樂節、國家音樂廳、國家戲劇院實驗劇場、台中歌劇院、台北小巨蛋、國父紀念館表演廳、華山Legacy、西門河岸、the Wall、the Pipe、春天吶喊、虎山音樂祭、Taipei Sappho、Kaohsiung Marsalis、Marsalis Home Taipei、台北法蘭瓷、Jazz Cafe、Taipei Blue Note、玖杯坊、TAV cafe' 藝術村餐坊、公館河岸、A-House、1001 nights、Legacy Mini、(北京)江湖、東岸、DDC、Fruity Space、 Modernist (北京),(上海)JZ、Wooden box、 HeyDay、杭州花朵爵士音樂節 等知名 bar演出, 並與國際知名樂手 Bernard Wright、John Ashley Thomas、Brad Rabuchin、Chris Wabich、John Urban、Shai Golan、Eric Marienthal、Aya Ishida 等合作。
Julian Wittich (紀安) (1999) 是一位爵士貝斯手和作曲家,目前居住在阿姆斯特丹。出生於台北的 Wittich 7歲就開始拉小提琴,他很快就發現了自己對各種音樂風格的興趣,自學成才在13歲時開始學電貝斯,然後17歲時開始學低音大提琴(double bass)。他目前在阿姆斯特丹音樂學院讀書,跟歐洲一些著名的爵士貝斯手學習,例如 Clemens van der Feen 和 John Clayton。 Conveying pure emotion, intensity, and soul through his music, Julian Wittich is a bassist and composer currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As a native of Taipei, Taiwan, Wittich began his musical studies with the violin at 7 years old. He soon discovered his appetite for various styles of music, teaching himself to play the electric bass at age 13 and eventually the double bass at age 17. During his high school years at Taipei American School, Wittich was hailed as one of the most exciting musical prospects in Taiwan, playing semi-professionally throughout the country, winning 2nd Prize at the 2016 Taichung International Jazz Festival Competition, and performing there as a main act that year. Currently studying a Bachelor of Music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Wittich’s influences include: Ray Brown, Christian McBride, Marcus Miller, Oscar Peterson, & many more. He most recently recorded an album in late 2018 with flamenco guitarist DuCroock and Grammy award-winning percussionist Richard Marquez, set to be released in early 2019. For more information, please visit Wittich’s website at julianwittich.com
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之
歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.