台北藍調 第四週日特演 靈魂爵士夜 Soul Jazz Night! with Ben Holt Quartet|0225
2月25日 週日
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
吉他名家霍班邀集樂壇摯友 為您帶來鍾愛的靈魂爵士名曲 Amazing guitarist Ben Holt and friends will perform your favorite soul jazz music. [ 霍班 Ben Holt | Guitar ] [ 羅丹 Luo Dan | Trumpet ] [ Kris Oprisch | Organ ] [ 黃亦翔 Jack Huang | Piano ] [ Gabriel Hahn | Drums ]
2024年2月25日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
NT$520 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine.
霍班是一位擅長演奏各式風格的吉他手,2013年從加拿大移居美國達拉斯沃斯堡地區(Dallas Fort-Worth, Texas),與許多達拉斯當地的藝人、樂團和組織合作。曾任職美國德州丹頓十字教會(Cross Church Denton)音樂總監,美國德州塔蘭特大學(Tarrnant County College)兼任吉他教授,以及達拉斯爵士音樂推廣中心之吉他教師(Jazz Becuzz Arts Group and Center)。 2015年於美國北德州大學獲得爵士吉他演奏碩士學位(Master's Degree of Jazz Studies at University of North Texas),目前除了是頌音爵代樂團(Song Dyasnty)的專任吉他手外,並獲多位台灣藝人與樂團邀請成為專任吉他手,包括:金曲新人得主 “?te壞特”、金曲最佳台語女歌手入圍“張涵雅”、亞洲黑珍珠“Zorina London”、台北踢霹歐爵士大樂團。2022年受國家音樂廳邀請與國家交響樂團NSO合作演出《樂來樂愛你 La La Land》電影原聲帶音樂會。
Kris Oprisch is a pianist, singer, producer and composer who has been working as a musician for over 15 years. He started playing the piano by ear at age 8. He continued to study classical piano through his university training, where he also developed his skills as an audio engineer and composer. Throughout his career, he has worked as a: church organist, pit orchestra musician, recording engineer, composer of video game music, wedding singer, piano accompanist to vocalists and instrumentalists, private instructor, and more. He has lived in Taipei since 2018 where he continues to hone.
台灣宜蘭人,自幼學習古典和國樂打擊,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學音樂系,主修打擊樂。 大學期間開始接觸爵士樂,目前居住於大坪林某條巷子裡,正在尋找通往下個旅程的路。2020 年初參加 Workshop in Taipei 接受鐵琴家Tony Miceli 指導,4月 與鐵琴手周嘉慧和貝斯手陸荃於女巫店與晴境易得咖啡演出,11月與金曲客家歌王謝宇威和東華大學以及北藝大bigband於慈濟大學演出,並獲選北藝大「種子室內樂菁英培育」,12月與好友們 組成「Jack’s Quartet」於露西亞咖啡演出爵士四重奏,2018年初參與東華大學爵士音樂研習營,赴美國賓州費城參加 Philadelphia Workshop featuring David Friedman and Tony Miceli 接受鐵琴家Tony Miceli 和David Friedman指導。
Gabriel Hahn is a French-German professional musician, composer and educator with a jazz drums diploma of the music conservatory of Munich and a composing/arranging master’s degree of the music university of Dresden. He was drummer and vocal-/body percussionist of the award winning Vocal Jazz legends THE NEW YORK VOICES for twelve years (2009-2021) and background singer/percussionist of great German pop stars such as Roger Cicero, Howard Carpendale and Max Mutzke and shared the stage with the Taiwanese pop-rock band MAYDAY. He is also part of the ‘Modern Tales’ program by the BRUSSELS VOCAL PROJECT which released their latest album with music by John Hollenbeck for 5 singers and drums. Gabriel currently lives and works in Taiwan as a drummer, percussionist, educator and artistic director of the VOCAL ASIA FESTIVAL.
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之
歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.