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台北藍調 首週週六特演 小酒館裡的大樂團 Sing Sang Sung with ETO | Every 1st Sat
11月02日 週六
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
每月的首週週六 晚間九點開演 ETO爵士大樂團將帶來長達三小時的熱力演出 邀請您咫尺領受大樂團的奔騰狂放 以及簡約編制的小樂隊協奏 Sing Sang Sung with ETO!! BIG BAND SHOWTIME & COMBOS!! Directed by famous Japanese pianist Kaoru Uno, the big band will perform with incredible energy and passion for jazz.
本場特演已訂位額滿 歡迎現場候補 晚間八點開放入場 Booked solid, plz line up directly at the door. We're open at 8pm.
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