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台北藍調 首週週日特演 麥可王原創四重奏 MWQ | Every 1st Sunday 0707

7月07日 週日


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

每月的首週週日夜晚 長號名家王于維 集結樂壇拔尖好手 將帶來精彩的個人原創曲目 Every 1st Sunday, led by amazing trombonist Michael Wang, the stellar group will perform his originals. [ Michael Wang | trombone ] [ 許郁瑛 Yu Ying Hsu | Piano ] [ 劉育嘉 Yu Jia Liu | bass ] [ Gabriel Hahn | Drums ]

台北藍調 首週週日特演 麥可王原創四重奏 MWQ | Every 1st Sunday 0707
台北藍調 首週週日特演 麥可王原創四重奏 MWQ | Every 1st Sunday 0707


2024年7月07日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



NT$550 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費

晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm

Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine.

*本店僅收現金 Cash Only*

[ 王于維 Michael Wang | Trombone ]

長號手Michael Wang是國際爵士樂界新興的人才。生於台灣,在美國長大,曾獲得伯克利音樂學院的全額獎學金,並於2012-2017年就讀。Michael畢業後,移居紐約開始與Mingus大樂隊,Frank Lacy,Slide Hampton,Valery Ponomarev,Josh Evans大樂隊等藝術家合作 2010年發布了首張專輯“Bone of the Wang Vol. 1”in 2020。然而,好景不常,三月紐約疫情突然大爆發,波及了無數的爵士樂酒吧,前景堪憂,在沉寂數月後,他決定回到他的出生地台灣尋找演奏的新契機。回台後,他很快找到了數位優秀的樂手組成四重奏,開始了紐約到台灣的爵士之旅。樂團成立的宗旨是願藉由表演專輯上的樂曲、爵士樂標準(Jazz Standard)和其它現代樂曲來推廣更多Bebop的曲風。由於在紐約其間他受到許多大師,如Roy Hargrove, Frank Lacy 和 Johnny O'Neal等的薰陶和指導,他希望透過他的演奏,讓台灣喜歡爵士樂的朋友能欣賞到第一手的傳統紐約Bebop,進而與國內樂手做更深度的交流。Trombonist, composer, and arranger Michael Wang is an up and coming talent in the NYC music scene. Originally from Sacramento, California, Wang began his studies on the trombone at the age of eleven. In 2012, he moved to Boston to begin his studies at Berklee College of Music as a recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, where he studied with Phil Wilson, Marshall Gilkes, David Santoro, George Garzone, Darren Barrett, among others. He was a member of the Berklee Global Jazz Institute under the direction of Danilo Perez, from 2013-2016. During his time in school Wang participated in several jazz trombone competitions, becoming the winner of the American Trombone Workshop's "Division 1" solo competition in 2015 and was a finalist in the ITA's Carl Fontana and JJ Johnson Competitions, in 2015 and 2016. After graduating Berklee, Wang moved to New York City in 2017 where he began performing regularly with groups such as the Mingus Big Band, Frank Lacy's Smalls Sextet and "Tromboniverse," Josh Evans' Big Band, Pedro Giraudo's Jazz Orchestra, Arturo O'Farrill's Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Alexi David's "Three or Four Shades of Mingus," David Chamberlain's "Band of Bones," among others. He also occasionally leads his own quintet, performing at venues such as Smalls and Fat Cat in Greenwich Village. His debut album, called "Bone of the Wang Volume One," is set to be released in January of 2020 under Outside in Music's "Nextlevel" label. It features Jonathan Elbaz on piano, Giuseppe Cucchiara on bass, Kazuhiro Odagiri on drums, and Juan Felipe Mejia Tobon on percussion, who perform Wang's original compositions and arrangements.

[ 許郁瑛 Yu Ying Hsu | Piano ]

爵士鋼琴家、作曲家、編曲家、音樂製作人。從小受古典音樂薰陶,台灣大學圖書資訊學系畢業後即赴紐約深造,於2009年底取得美國紐約州立大學帕切斯學院爵士鋼琴演奏碩士學位。許郁瑛演出足跡遍佈法國、荷蘭、比利時、義大利、上海、香港、澳門、印度、新加坡、韓國、美國、日本、台灣爵士樂與跨界音樂類型各大音樂節與展演空間等,並與國內外眾多知名音樂人合作如Albert “Tootie” Heath、John Riley、Paquito D’Rivera、Michael Philip Mossman、Alex Sipiagin、Benjamin Schmid、Jean-François Zygel、温隆信老師、黃瑞豐老師等。2019年以〈第三章:印度、義大利與我〉一曲榮獲第30屆金曲獎——「演奏類最佳作曲人獎」,2018年以其個人第三張創作專輯《HAPPENED, HAPPENING 現在》榮獲第29屆金曲獎三項大獎肯定——「演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎」、「演奏類最佳專輯獎」、「最佳演奏錄音專輯獎」。現為全職鋼琴演奏家。 許郁瑛至今共發行過四張爵士創作專輯:《Untitled 許郁瑛首張爵士創作專輯》、《sentimotional 心情之間》、《HAPPENED, HAPPENING 現在》和《波傑克特三 PROJECT 3》。2020年於YouTube頻道《yuyinghsu music》推出新節目《爵士郁瑛房》。

[ 劉育嘉 Yu Jia Liu | Bass ]

2013年參與電影『夢糖工廠』拍攝及配樂錄製。2014年與『In Tap』和『小節慶爵士樂團』於水源劇場展演、並首次發表個人創作『Sleep Devoted』。


2015年參與Elin Lee (李宜玲)首發專輯『Breathing』台灣巡迴演出。



2018年與德裔鋼琴家Julian Moreen共同策劃『原創音樂巡迴演出計畫』並擔任台灣及亞洲地區總策劃,並以Julian Moreen為首組成Julian MoreenQuartet。


2019年隨Julian Moreen Quartet受邀於台中爵士音樂節演出、並策劃2019台灣地區交流與展演。


[ Gabriel Hahn | Drums ]

Gabriel Hahn is a French-German professional musician, composer and educator with a jazz drums diploma of the music conservatory of Munich and a composing/arranging master’s degree of the music university of Dresden. He was drummer and vocal-/body percussionist of the award winning Vocal Jazz legends THE NEW YORK VOICES for twelve years (2009-2021) and background singer/percussionist of great German pop stars such as Roger Cicero, Howard Carpendale and Max Mutzke and shared the stage with the Taiwanese pop-rock band MAYDAY. He is also part of the ‘Modern Tales’ program by the BRUSSELS VOCAL PROJECT which released their latest album with music by John Hollenbeck for 5 singers and drums. Gabriel currently lives and works in Taiwan as a drummer, percussionist, educator and artistic director of the VOCAL ASIA FESTIVAL.

如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.


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