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台北藍調特演 好萊塢的黃金年代|The Golden Age of Hollywood 0718

7月18日 週四


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

好萊塢的黃金年代是指從1920年代末的無聲電影時代末期,至1960年前這段時間,這期間好萊塢產出上萬部電影,其中第一部使用音效的作品就是1927年的電影《爵士歌手》,從此結束了無聲電影時代,更誕生一首首經典爵士標準曲。 此次特邀爵士歌手-任書欣與她的樂壇摯友,用歌聲詮釋屬於爵士樂的黃金年代! [ 任書欣 Suzanne Jen | Vocal ] [ 安迪費里斯 Andy Ferris | Guitar ] [ 藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii | Bass, Harmonica ]

台北藍調特演 好萊塢的黃金年代|The Golden Age of Hollywood 0718
台北藍調特演 好萊塢的黃金年代|The Golden Age of Hollywood 0718


2024年7月18日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費

晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm

Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine. 

*本店僅收現金 Cash Only*

週一至週四 入場費單點紅白葡萄酒 買一送一

BOGO on House Wine from Mon. to Thur.

Entrance Fee Included.

[ 任書欣 Suzanne Jen | Vocal ] 

來自台灣的爵士歌手,臺大外國語文學系畢,曾旅居法國、德國,是華人爵士圈少見精通中英法德西五種語言的歌手,細膩情感的表現來自於他扎實音樂劇演員的背景,書欣也擅長演繹流行,搖滾,音樂劇等不同風格,是個少數能夠用音樂說故事的歌手,2019年更榮獲台灣第五屆【歌手爵起】比賽第一名。近年活躍於兩岸三地爵士現場,不時與亞洲知名爵士樂手共同演出,如:Eugene Pao、Teriver Cheung、Kerong Chok、Jezrael Lucero、Scott Dodd、Nicholas Bouloukos、Alan Kwan、Patrick Lui、Wong Tak Chung、吉峯勇二郎、福井アミ、村田千紘、葉賀璞、黃子瑜……等等。除了歌手身份之外,書欣的專業領域橫跨廣告、遊戲配音、歌曲配唱、多國語言(中英法德)活動主持、(中英法)雙向翻譯(文字、現場口譯)、舞台劇以及音樂劇。現居台北、香港兩地,參與各種型態演出、工作。  Captivating and charismatic on stage, Suzanne has a gift for storytelling and connecting with her audience. She is a vocalist, actor, event host, voice-over artist, interpreter and yoga teacher.    Born and raised in Taiwan, Suzanne Jen (任書欣) first performed on stage at the age of 7, and started taking piano lessons at 5. She also spent a year in England and France respectively and quickly picked up English and French thanks to her musical ear that is also sensitive to the sounds of languages. Having later on studied Western literature at the most prestigious university in Taiwan, she has a deep and intimate understanding of lyrics and also speaks Spanish and German.      Suzanne has performed extensively as a vocalist in Taiwan in numerous Jazz venues and festivals. She has appeared in Shanghai and Tokyo, and most recently performed in Hong Kong. Her training in literature, languages and acting along with her bubbly yet sensitive and tender nature allows her to explore wide-ranging styles from chansons, Latin, Django’s swing to Big Band.    A versatile artist, Suzanne has performed in varying genres: from Musical theatre and stage shows to intimate jazz concerts. She also regularly hosts events such as opening ceremonies, press conferences and symposiums for international businesses and brands, switching freely between Mandarin, English (American and British) and French.    Suzanne is also a passionate and respected educator, and conducts musical theatre workshops and camps in Taiwan. Based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, she continues to perform and teach while traveling around the world.

[ 安迪費里斯 Andy Ferris | Guitar ] 

來自加拿大溫哥華 擁有25年的演奏經歷 曾經和Kenny Werner,Dee Daniels,Kurt Elling同台演出。事師加拿大指標性爵士音樂家Brad Turner 和 Bill Coon爵士表演及作曲 目前以活躍走跳於台北爵士音樂現場。Originally from Vancouver, Canada, guitarist Andy Ferris has been playing and performing for over 25 years. He has shared the stage with jazz artists Kenny Werner and Kurt Elling, and studied jazz performance and composition with Canadian jazz icons Brad Turner and Bill Coon. More recently he studied an MA in Jazz Performance at the University of North Texas. He is currently active as a performing musician leading and playing in several projects in the Taipei area.

[ 藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii | Bass, Harmonica ]

畢業於美國百克里音樂學院 (Berklee College of Music) ,為知名爵士音樂人。 經常受邀海內外大型音樂季演出。亦曾擔任YAMAHA師資培訓班之教職,並出版爵士鼓相關教學著作「TOSHI爵士鼓系統學習(一),(二),(三)」不僅爵士樂圈, 亦跨界流行樂界之編曲, 唱片製作, 藝人演唱會演出等也留下亮眼的音樂成績。 這幾年音樂事業拓展到家鄉日本東京,加入網路音樂節目Sound States 擔任策劃主持導播等工作,深入研究學習網路影像。曾經參與「海角七號」電影及「大佛普拉斯」口琴配樂,深受眾人喜愛,更與榮獲多項葛萊美獎-泰武古謠傳唱隊合作<細雨灑落群山>巡迴演出,2017年底發行個人首張創作爵士口琴專輯「Blue Bear」,於2018年開始世界巡迴,讓爵士口琴發揚光大,揮灑各地。同年9月入圍第九屆金音獎最佳爵士專輯,最佳爵士單曲,最佳樂手三項殊榮。

如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.



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