台北藍調特演 林煒盛吉他三重奏 0525 Lin WeiSheng Guitar Trio
5月25日 週一
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
擅長演奏吉他與貝斯的爵士名家林煒盛 搭檔近期返台的青年貝斯手Julian Wittich 活躍於紐約多年的優秀鼓手吳玟葶 滿載爵士經典的吉他三重奏 精彩爵妙可期 [ 林煒盛 Lin WeiSheng | Bass ] [ 吳玟葶 Wu Wenting | Drums ] [ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ]
2020年5月25日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
擅長演奏吉他與貝斯的爵士名家林煒盛 搭檔近期返台的青年貝斯手Julian Wittich
活躍於紐約多年的優秀鼓手吳玟葶 滿載爵士經典的吉他三重奏 精彩爵妙可期
[ 林煒盛 Lin WeiSheng | Bass ] [ 吳玟葶 Wu Wenting | Drums ] [ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ]
Famous bass/guitar player Lin Weisheng and his friends will perform popular jazz standards.
2020.05.25 Mon 9pm NT$480 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. / Live Music Charge for 2 people cover one bottle wine.
現於紐約活躍表演發展的職業音樂家/鼓手。為Canopus Drums美國區代言人。曾任金曲獎得主「張三李四」與金曲獎提名樂團「Hello Nico」鼓手。2016年赴紐約Queens College攻讀爵士碩士學位,2018年獲得Discimus ut Serviamus Award畢業。曾在台中爵士音樂節、國家兩廳院夏日爵士派對、海洋音樂祭、覺醒音樂祭等大型音樂節演出。在紐約三年期間,演出風格不設限,從爵士樂、現代樂、流行樂,演奏經驗豐富。現為長號手Frank Lacy Concert Jazz Band成員之一, 曾在Washionton Square Music Festival,Smalls Jazz Club和紐約上州等地演出。同時也受現代樂雙人團體Righteous Girls 之邀參與葛萊美獎得主Metropolitan Ensemble的Concert Series演出。 她也曾在紐約各大Jazz Club(Smoke Jazz Club, National Sawdust, Minton’s Playhouse, Rockwood Music Hall等)與薩克斯風手Joel Frahm, Erena Terakubo, 小號手Antoine Drye, 貝斯手Teymur Phell, 大提琴手Akua Dixon, 歌手Alyson Murray等共同演出。除了與眾多音樂家合作外,她也帶領自己的樂團在Fat Cat Jazz Club固定演出。教學方面,玟葶除了擁有七年的教學經驗外,也曾擔任兩廳院暑期爵士音樂營助教。
吉他演奏家林煒盛出生於台灣台南市,台灣大學哲學系畢業,退伍後赴美國攻讀爵士低音提琴碩士,2001年獲得紐約州立大學(Purchase college,State Univ. of NY)音樂碩士學位(master of music),畢業後在紐約展開職業演奏生涯,為目前極少數在紐約從事全職樂手的台灣人。林煒盛在紐約曾與許多知名的爵士樂手合作,包括Ralph Lalama、Bill Mays、Bob Dorough、Joe
Cohn、Bobby Porcelli、T.S. Monk、Lewis Nash、Eddie Bert等等;演奏地點遍及美國東岸各大爵士樂俱樂部如Blue Note、Birdland、Iridium、Lenox Lounge、Up Over Jazz Café、Cleopatra’s Needle、Deer Head Inn等。林煒盛並曾受國際主流爵士媒體All About Jazz New York青睞予以報導,2006年10月由名樂評Donald Elfman為其個人專輯"Gone With the Wind"撰寫樂評並給予佳評,而All About Jazz更曾於2007年7月選擇他為當月值得聆聽人物(Listen Up!)之一。
Guitarist WeiSheng Lin was born in Tainan, Taiwan . He began to study double bass at the second year of college . After one year , he was playing professionally with local musicians in Taipei . In 1999 , WeiSheng moved to New York to pursue graduate studies at State University of New York ,Purchase College . While in school ,he studied bass with Todd Coolman and Dennis Irwin and studied guitar with the legendary guitar master Joe Puma. WeiShneg finished his graduate studies in 2002 .Since then , he has been very active in New York jazz scene . He has played in many New York jazz clubs , such as Blue Note ,Birdland , Iridium ,Lenox Lounge , Cleopatra's Needle , Small's ,etc . He has performed with Jon Faddis , Bill Mays , Ralph Lalama , Don Sickler , Bob Dorough , Joe Cohn ,Bobby Porcelli, Grant Stewart T'S Monk ,Lewis Nash ,Eddie Bert ,Doug Munro,etc.
In 2006 , WeiSheng's debut album "Gone With the Wind" was highly acclaimed by All About Jazz's music critic Donald Elfman .Also, in July of 2007 , All About Jazz picked WeiSheng Lin as 2 of the "listen up" musicians of the month .
For the last few years , WeiSheng has been involved in Animal rescue scene in Taiwan ,especially for dogs . In 2014, WeiSheng decided to move back to Taiwan to take care of the senior dog "Shiung Bao",who he has rescued years ago . While spending a lot of time volunteering in animal rescue scene, he still maintains his busy schedule as a professional musician.
Julian Wittich (紀安) (1999) 是一位爵士貝斯手和作曲家,目前居住在阿姆斯特丹。出生於台北的 Wittich 7歲就開始拉小提琴,他很快就發現了自己對各種音樂風格的興趣,自學成才在13歲時開始學電貝斯,然後17歲時開始學低音大提琴(double bass)。他目前在阿姆斯特丹音樂學院讀書,跟歐洲一些著名的爵士貝斯手學習,例如 Clemens van der Feen 和 John Clayton。
Conveying pure emotion, intensity, and soul through his music, Julian Wittich is a bassist and composer currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As a native of Taipei, Taiwan, Wittich began his musical studies with the violin at 7 years old. He soon discovered his appetite for various styles of music, teaching himself to play the electric bass at age 13 and eventually the double bass at age 17. During his high school years at Taipei American School, Wittich was hailed as one of the most exciting musical prospects in Taiwan, playing semi-professionally throughout the country, winning 2nd Prize at the 2016 Taichung International Jazz Festival Competition, and performing there as a main act that year. Currently studying a Bachelor of Music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Wittich’s influences include: Ray Brown, Christian McBride, Marcus Miller, Oscar Peterson, & many more. He most recently recorded an album in late 2018 with flamenco guitarist DuCroock and Grammy award-winning percussionist Richard Marquez, set to be released in early 2019.
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之
歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.