台北藍調特演 雅尼克與霍班雙重奏 Yannick & Benjamin Duo 0623
6月23日 週四
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
來自瑞士的小號手Yannick 搭檔來自加拿大的吉他手Benjamin 將帶來飽滿即興動能的經典曲目以及原創作品 Led by Swiss trumpet player Yannick Barman, the duo will play a mix of originals and standards featuring Benjamin Holt on guitar. [ 雅尼克 Yannick Barman | Trumpet ] [ 霍班 Benjamin Holt | Guitar ]

2022年6月23日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
NT$480 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine.
[ 雅尼克 Yannick Barman | Trumpet ]
來自瑞士的小號手,曾在洛桑交響樂團擔任次小號與獨奏,也加入過許多爵士樂團,有過"29"與"Herz aus Glas"等偏實驗聲響的Audio/Visual組合,也有KiKu、fr::yk、Snails等游移於自由即興、post-bop與實驗電子的樂團。擅長在glitch肌理裡融入北歐冷冽小號聲線,並以即時效果器或數位訊號處理將小號轉化成另一種聲響,但偶而也會視現場情況跳脫出既有實驗音樂框架變成跳舞音樂!是個擁有特殊現場風格與獨特音樂類型的solo artist!Yannick studied classical trumpet and composition at the conservatory of music of Lausanne, and CNR of Rueil-Malmaison with Eric Aubier and obtained many distinctions. He was the former trumpet solo at Sinfonietta de Lausanne and Chamber Orchestra of Wallis. Beside his activities as classical trumpet player, he is also working on his own project. His electronic acoustic show includes both visuals and music. The artist is playing trumpet and computer, accompanied by live electronic music. The compositions are realised from trumpet's sounds, sampled and transformed then added with electronic beats. The result is the extraction of a new sound potential from the trumpet. Yannick Barman can be called a crossover artist. Starting out as a classical and jazz artist, Barman soon started to take an interest in electronic music. From that point on he integrated computers into his sounds. Because of his delicate beats and ambient-sound background he gets invited to projects by Jazz as well as Classical musicians and tours around Europe, Asia and Africa.
霍班是一位擅長演奏各式風格的吉他手,在許多樂團擔任過音樂總監一職,表演之餘也在美國的大學教授音樂。2013年從加拿大移居美國達拉斯沃斯堡地區(Dallas Fort-Worth, Texas), 他彈奏爵士、藍調、鄉村、流行、與教會福音等音樂風格,並與許多達拉斯當地的藝人與樂團 合作,如美國鄉村歌手Jamie Richards、流行音樂Jordan Kahn Music Company、美國流行爵 士樂團The Fingerprints、爵士歌手與教育家Candace Mohogany Miller、達拉斯爵士薩克斯風 手Jason Davis等。曾任職美國德州丹頓十字教會(Cross Church Denton)音樂總監,美國德州 塔蘭特大學(Tarrnant County College)兼任吉他教授,以及達拉斯爵士音樂推廣中心之吉他教師(Jazz Becuzz Arts Group and Center)。目前除了是頌音爵代樂團(Song Dyasnty)的專任吉他手以及音樂總監之外,也是隔離之王藍調樂團(The Quarantine Kings Blues Band)的團長與吉他手。美國北德州大學爵士吉他演奏碩士畢業的霍班(Master's Degree of Jazz Studies at University of North Texas),與台灣爵士歌手劉俐於2020年底回台後,積極學習中文與台灣文 化,與頌音爵代樂團於2019年在美國發行專輯《尋覓 Searching》,預計2022年春季將在台灣發行隔離之王藍調樂團的首張專輯,屆時將規劃一系列的巡演活動,並期待與台灣碰撞出音樂火花!
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之
歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.