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台北藍調特演 瑛樂會: 許郁瑛與尤樂 Dialogues: Yu-Ying Hsu & Jonas Ganzemüller

2月20日 週六


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

名家聯手探索鋼琴與薩克斯二重奏可能性的旅程 邀您同行 ~ 時而嬉戲 飽滿流暢的靈性對話 綿密悠揚一新耳目的現代爵士語彙 The two musicians embark on a journey to uncover the possibilities of the piano - saxophone duo combination. The intimate setting inspires a musical dialogue between them which is at times playful and spontaneous, at others simply soulful.

台北藍調特演 瑛樂會: 許郁瑛與尤樂 Dialogues: Yu-Ying Hsu & Jonas Ganzemüller
台北藍調特演 瑛樂會: 許郁瑛與尤樂 Dialogues: Yu-Ying Hsu & Jonas Ganzemüller


2021年2月20日 下午7:30 – 下午9:10

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



本特演晚間七點半開演 七點起開放入場 Starts: 7:30pm Open: 7pm 

2021.02.20 Sat NT$550 入場費含一份選定飲料 Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink

[ 許郁瑛 Yu Ying Hsu | Piano ] [ 尤樂 Jonas Ganzemueller | Sax ] ( Photo © 徐鏞 )

The two musicians embark on a journey to uncover the possibilities of the piano - saxophone duo combination. The intimate setting inspires a musical dialogue between them which is at times playful and spontaneous, at others simply soulful. A modern and truly refreshing take on jazz standards and originals.

[ 許郁瑛 Yu Ying Hsu | Piano ]

爵士鋼琴家、作曲家、編曲家、音樂製作人。從小受古典音樂薰陶,台灣大學圖書資訊學系畢業後即赴紐約深造,於2009年底取得美國紐約州立大學帕切斯學院爵士鋼琴演奏碩士學位。許郁瑛演出足跡遍佈法國、荷蘭、比利時、義大利、上海、香港、澳門、印度、新加坡、韓國、美國、日本、台灣爵士樂與跨界音樂類型各大音樂節與展演空間等,並與國內外眾多知名音樂人合作如Albert “Tootie” Heath、John Riley、Paquito D’Rivera、Michael Philip Mossman、Alex Sipiagin、Benjamin Schmid、Jean-François Zygel、温隆信老師、黃瑞豐老師等。2019年以〈第三章:印度、義大利與我〉一曲榮獲第30屆金曲獎——「演奏類最佳作曲人獎」,2018年以其個人第三張創作專輯《HAPPENED, HAPPENING 現在》榮獲第29屆金曲獎三項大獎肯定——「演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎」、「演奏類最佳專輯獎」、「最佳演奏錄音專輯獎」。現為全職鋼琴演奏家。 許郁瑛至今共發行過四張爵士創作專輯:《Untitled 許郁瑛首張爵士創作專輯》、《sentimotional 心情之間》、《HAPPENED, HAPPENING 現在》和《波傑克特三 PROJECT 3》。2020年於YouTube頻道《yuyinghsu music》推出新節目《爵士郁瑛房》。   

[ 尤樂 Jonas Ganzemueller | Sax ]

出生於德國漢堡的優秀爵士薩克斯風樂手。其豐富的表演遍布於世界各地,重要的演出經歷包含了荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的Bimhius音樂廳,北海爵士音樂季(North Sea Festival),漢堡的「Birdland」爵士音樂廳,以及紐約的林肯爵士音樂中心 (Jazz at Lincoln Center),和曼哈頓 Iridium 爵士俱樂部。尤樂2011年畢業於紐約曼哈頓音樂學院爵士薩克斯風碩士班,求學期間獲得德國DAAD,荷蘭NFPK Huygens 以及 Prins Bernhard 公立獎學金。2010年尤樂贏得美國薩克斯風聯盟大賽第二名,其精湛的演奏風格亦讓他受邀參與了拉丁教父級爵士大師Bobby Sanabria於2012年所錄製的專輯「Titu Puente Masterworks」。唱片在推出後佳評如潮,同年亦獲得拉丁葛萊美獎爵士樂類獎項提名。尤樂的第一張專輯 「午夜夢迴」(Midnight Runner) ,特別邀請了樂界知名度極高的爵士薩克斯風樂手Chris Cheek ,共同錄製了多首膾炙人口的作品。專輯推出後收到樂界一致好評。"尤樂的音樂具有觸及內心深處的魔力。他與Chris Cheek以及和樂團完美無缺的搭配,聽眾能感受到「Midnight Runner」是一張讓人驚喜,且能一聽再聽的專輯。" -樂評收錄於Jazz Breakfast

The tenor saxophonist Jonas Ganzemueller (尤樂) has enjoyed an extensive performing career as a sideman, co-leader and bandleader. Appearances range from the North Sea Jazz Festival, the Birdland in Hamburg, the Bimhuis in Amsterdam, to jazz venues in New York such as Jazz at Lincoln Center and the Iridium Jazz Club.

His debut album as a leader Midnight Runner, which features jazz icon Chris Cheek on several songs, shows Ganzemueller not only as an "innovative" (Kieler Nachrichten) improviser with a powerful voice on the saxophone, but also as a sophisticated composer. Jonas Ganzemuller graduated with a Masters of Music from the Manhattan School of Music in New York City in 2011, received prestigious grants such as the Huygens and Prins Bernhard scholarships and awards from institutions such as the North American Saxophone Alliance in 2010. Bobby Sanabria's CD Titu Puente Masterworks which also features Jonas Ganzemuller was nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2011.

An award-winning Taiwanese jazz pianist, composer, producer and educator, YuYing Hsu has performed in music festivals and legendary jazz clubs around the world with renowned musicians such as the great jazz drummer Albert "Tootie" Heath, John Riley, Grammy Award winning clarinetist/ saxophonist Paquito D’Rivera, trumpeter and arranger Michael Philip Mossman and Alex Sipiagin as well as Italian bassist Giuseppe Bassi. Though Hsu’s background is jazz music, she has been invited as a featuring guest to play with classical virtuosos such as the Austrian complete violinist Benjamin Schmid, the famous French pianist and improviser Jean-François Zygel and The Ju Percussion Group since she relocated back to Taiwan in 2010. She has also recorded for the influential Taiwanese composer WEN Lung-Hsin for his jazz compositions/ albums. Hsu’s original composition 'CHAPTER III:INDIA, ITALY AND I' from her fourth album 《PROJECT 3》 won 2019 Golden Melody Awards (the equivalence of the Grammys in the Chinese-speaking world) for “Best Instrumental Composer”. Her third album 《happened, happening》 won three 2018 Golden Melody Awards for “Best Instrumental Album Producer”, “Best Instrumental Album” and “Best Instrumental Recording Album”. Hsu’s previous albums 《sentimotional》 and 《Untitled》 had also garnered Golden Indie Music Awards for “Best Jazz Album”, “Best Jazz Single” and “Best Musician”. Hsu has brought her original music to Italy, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, India, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan over the years. An avid listener of music, Hsu seeks to fuse improvisation with her own life experience. She takes inspirations, thoughts of her travels, her love of artists such as Francis Bacon and Yayoi Kusama, and turns them into musical notes that bounce off the pages, as heard in her original, award-winning pieces 'Twisted One' and 'Anything Can Happen on a Sunny Afternoon'. Through her music, Hsu hopes to share her emotions, passions, and love of life with jazz aficionados around the world, one performance at a time.

如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.



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