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台北藍調 萬聖夜特演 Yannick & Brandon Duo 1031

10月31日 週日


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

來自瑞士的小號手Yannick 搭檔旅美多年的長號/貝斯手Brandon 將帶來表演風格混搭 飽滿即興動能 揉合經典的原創作品 Led by Swiss trumpet player Yannick Barman, the duo will play a mix of original compositions inspired by west African music and jazz standards. Don’t miss the very first concert of this brand new project!

台北藍調 萬聖夜特演 Yannick & Brandon Duo 1031
台北藍調 萬聖夜特演 Yannick & Brandon Duo 1031


2021年10月31日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費

九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm

Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 people cover one bottle wine.

[ Yannick Barman | Trumpet ] [ 林庭揚 Brandon Lin | Trombone, Bass ]

來自瑞士的小號手Yannick 搭檔旅美多年的長號/貝斯手Brandon 將帶來表演風格混搭 飽滿即興動能 揉合經典的原創作品 Led by Swiss trumpet player Yannick Barman, the duo will play a mix of original compositions inspired by west African music and jazz standards. Don’t miss the very first concert of this brand new project!

[ Yannick Barman | Trumpet ]

來自瑞士的小號手,曾在洛桑交響樂團擔任次小號與獨奏,也加入過許多爵士樂團,有過"29"與"Herz aus Glas"等偏實驗聲響的Audio/Visual組合,也有KiKu、fr::yk、Snails等游移於自由即興、post-bop與實驗電子的樂團。擅長在glitch肌理裡融入北歐冷冽小號聲線,並以即時效果器或數位訊號處理將小號轉化成另一種聲響,但偶而也會視現場情況跳脫出既有實驗音樂框架變成跳舞音樂!是個擁有特殊現場風格與獨特音樂類型的solo artist!Yannick studied classical trumpet and composition at the conservatory of music of Lausanne, and CNR of Rueil-Malmaison with Eric Aubier and obtained many distinctions. He was the former trumpet solo at Sinfonietta de Lausanne and Chamber Orchestra of Wallis. Beside his activities as classical trumpet player, he is also working on his own project. His electronic acoustic show includes both visuals and music. The artist is playing trumpet and computer, accompanied by live electronic music. The compositions are realised from trumpet's sounds, sampled and transformed then added with electronic beats. The result is the extraction of a new sound potential from the trumpet. Yannick Barman can be called a crossover artist. Starting out as a classical and jazz artist, Barman soon started to take an interest in electronic music. From that point on he integrated computers into his sounds. Because of his delicate beats and ambient-sound background he gets invited to projects by Jazz as well as Classical musicians and tours around Europe, Asia and Africa.  

[ 林庭揚 Brandon Lin | Trombone, Bass ]

長號手、貝斯手、作曲家以及編曲家,從六歲開始學古典鋼琴,移民到加拿大後,因高中音樂老師的鼓勵產生對爵士樂的興趣,高中畢業後前往伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)就學並獲取全額獎學金。在美國讀書期間與出名爵士鼓手Ralph Peterson的大樂團在紐約的Dizzy’s Club、 波士頓的Sculler’s Jazz Club、以及華盛頓DC Jazz Festival 表演,並一起錄製兩張專輯。

如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.



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