台北藍調午後特演 AIVEE − A Singing Jazz & Bossa Nova Ensemble 0507
5月07日 週日
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
Aivee,一個唱著爵士樂/巴薩諾瓦的合奏團,以迷人的聲音和律動講述故事 此次將在週日午後搭配,悠遊自在的旋律線條,帶著大家一起放鬆在爵士的音海中。Aivee, a singing jazz / bossa nova ensemble tells stories with enchanting voice and grooves. [ 徐悠語 Aivee Hsu | Lead singer / Nylon strings ] [ 黃奕軒 Roger Huang | Guitar ] [ 鄭皓文 Haowen | Sax ] [ Mario | Guest Percussion ]
2023年5月07日 下午3:00 – 下午5:00 [GMT+8]
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
週日下午三點開演 兩點半入場 Starts: 3pm Open: 2:30pm
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine.
*本店僅收現金 Cash Only*
[ 徐悠語 Aivee Hsu | Lead singer / Nylon strings ]
獨特的半女孩/半女人唱腔,演繹爵士及波薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)的經典曲目甜而不膩,撥動吉他的琴弦,閉著眼,輕快的律動,彷彿帶著聽眾來到慵懶的蔚藍海岸,演出時總能帶給聽眾輕鬆有趣又溫暖的時光。
在2015 年於伯克利音樂學院期間,結識許多來自世界各地的音樂家好友,一起於各地場館和音樂節演出,包含Berklee Performance Center, 波士頓Sunset Cafe, 朱家角水鄉音樂節等。求學時師事古典聲樂家Carie Cheron 及爵士吉他演奏家Jane Miller,
除了遊走玩味著自小喜愛的爵士風格歌曲,形塑其獨特的演唱技巧及聲音表現,熱愛創作的她亦將波薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)律動寫入自己的故事,2013年時以創作曲Mess Up the Company 參加公視節目「音樂創世紀」錄影,並取得全場滿分之最高紀錄。2016 年底以其創作曲「愛Sharing」及台語創作曲「思念」於高雄夢時代跨年主場中演唱,於電視螢幕及萬人現場展現其獨特的聲線及創作。她能使用中文、台語和英文進行創作。2018 年時,與現正活躍於紐約的音樂人合作,集合多位國內外活躍的爵士演奏家,在台灣完成其國語及英語波薩諾瓦原創專輯「藍色早晨」並獲CMA 音樂獎最佳人聲爵士專輯提名。2021 年末加入全球排名的12 之Barbershop 阿卡貝拉樂團,並與團員取得區域大賽冠軍。
目前Aivee 仍然深深愛著巴西律動,師事巴西Sony BMG簽約歌手Vanessa Falabella, 持續精進其演唱巴西葡萄牙文歌曲的深度及廣度。
- Barbershop A Cappella Chorus Houston Metro(世界排名12) Barbershop 阿卡貝拉樂團女中音
- CMA 最佳人聲爵士專輯提名
Aivee Hsu, 徐悠語has released her original Jazz Bossa Nova album “Blue Morning”in December 2018, then received a nomination of CMIC Music Award –Best Album of Jazz Voice. And an English version followed in February 2019.
Her composition also awarded and been selected to presented in album “Singing from the South”, 2013, Best Vocalist of the New String Award 2008. Awards brought her compositions to TV programs including PTS(Taiwan) that won the first and the highest full score record of the program. In 2017 she brought her composition "Missing You" to southern Taiwan's biggest year end countdown party with TV interview and broadcasting nationally.
During her school years in Berklee College of Music, she has known musicians from all around the world, toured and performed with groups for festivals and venues including Berklee performance center, Sunset Cafe in Boston, Jujiajiao Water Music Festival, and polished her performance and composition from faculty vocal instructor Carrie Cheron and jazz guitarist Jane Miller.
Aivee moved to Houston in 2021 and joined a local barbershop a cappella chorus - Houston Metro Space City Sound as part of the tenor section. And competed with the group that won the highest score in the competition. The group now ranked 12 among world barbershop choruses.
She's now devoted her time in the Brazillian grooves and learning Brazillian Portuguese singing from Brazil Sony BMG artist Vanessa Falabella. The journey of her music keep on grooving!
- Barbershop A Cappella Chorus Houston Metro (world ranked 12) - Tenor
- CMIC Music Award nominated – Best Album of Jazz Voice
台北人,吉他手/音樂工作者,為Jazz Fusion樂團Vibe Simulator團長。擅長爵士、融合樂等風格。
於就讀大學期間接觸了爵士樂及融合樂並深深為之著迷。2015年赴美就讀Musicians Institute並獲頒ESP Guitar獎學金,在學期間師事Adam Hawley、Jinshi Ozaki、Daniel Gilbert、Brad Rabuchin等。畢業返台後組成jazz fusion樂團Atonal Alert,從事吉他教學之餘也不時在台北各大表演場地演出。2021年加入B.A.D玩銅樂團並參加桃園管樂音樂節活動,同年亦組成融合爵士三重奏H2L Electric Trio持續活動中。2022組成融合爵士樂團Vibe Simulator並積極籌備各項演出與創作。
Roger Huang is a jazz/fusion guitar player based in Taipei, Taiwan. He is the leader of his fusion jazz project Vibe Simulator, as well as the sideman for various groups. Graduated from Musicians Institute GIT, his sound is heavily influenced by modern jazz fusion groups/artists, including Weather Report, Tribal Tech, The Brecker Brothers, Dean Brown, Scott Henderson, Yellowjackets, etc.
紐約市立皇后大學Queens College演奏碩士,主修薩克斯風,師承Antonio Hart,Tim Armacost,David Berkman,Michael Mossman,Jeb Patton.
2017在中國;發起了new york underground在杭州以及上海JZ演出專場,並在常州空白格、北京東岸以及江湖演出。
2017年八月參與長榮交響樂團lala land樂來樂愛你特別企劃,在國家音樂廳、台中歌劇院演出
2019 與S.C.A台中爵士音樂節
合作的音樂家橫跨不同的國家:Harold Danko, Hila Kulik,李曉川,Andy Jaffe,藤井俊充,謝明諺,曾增譯,徐崇育,許郁瑛,魏廣晧,Caiti Baker, 教學上,也不餘遺力,2017開始在絲竹空教學, 2019開始在永生基督書院開課, 致力於把紐約的經驗以及知識分享帶給學生。2020創立台灣爵士線上教育平台島嶼之火。
Haowen 發起的Monday Morning星期一早晨,New Chapter計畫, S.C.A雷鬼SKA樂團, John Yeh的巴西音樂計畫以及Batucataipei打擊樂團。
其合作過的音樂家橫跨不同的國家:Harold Danko, Tim Armacost, Hila Kulik,李曉川,Andy Jaffe,藤井俊充,謝明諺,曾增譯,徐崇育,許郁瑛,魏廣晧,Caiti Baker等。
現在為P Mauriat薩克斯風全球代言人。
現擔任BatucaTaipei 台北森巴鼓隊藝術總監,參與演出以及內部行政籌備工作。除了鼓隊營運工作外,亦為Taiwan Latin Smash 臺灣拉丁重擊樂團打擊手,十分活躍於各大音樂場域。
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之
歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.