台北藍調 X 爵士吉他俱樂部特演 3隻G音樂會 3 Guitars Talk
9月14日 週一
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
3 Guitars Talk 三把爵士吉他的音樂會 歡迎喜歡爵士吉他的朋友們 [ 林煒盛 WeiSheng Lin, Daniel Brustman, Denis Chang | 3 Guitars ] [ Julian Wittich | Bass ] [ Alex Morris | Drums ]
2020年9月14日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
[[ 爵士吉他俱樂部特演 ]] 3隻G音樂會 3 Guitars Talk
[ 林煒盛 Lin WeiSheng, Daniel Brustman, Denis Chang | 3 Guitars ]
[ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ] [ Alex Morris | Drums ]
2020.09.14 MON NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. / Live Music Charge for 2 people cover one bottle wine.
沒錯...一次給你三隻G 三把 Jazz Guitar 的音樂會 喜歡爵士吉他的朋友們... 不要錯過這場喔... 林煒盛~Denis Chang~Daniel Brustman這三位彈奏的內容 演奏的習慣..各自不同.... 小弟我雞推....我說極推這場 藉由社團的名義舉辦 希望更多人喜歡爵士吉他這個項目雖然不是很容易學習 但卻是非常迷人的..... (方鏡興)
林煒盛/WeiSheng Lin 林煒盛出生於台灣台南市,台灣大學哲學系畢業,退伍後赴美國攻讀爵士低音提琴碩士,2002獲得紐約州立大學(Purchase college,State Univ. of NY)音樂碩士學位(master of music),畢業後在紐約展開低音提琴職業演奏生涯,為目前極少數在紐約從事全職樂手的台灣人。林煒盛在紐約曾與許多知名的爵士樂手合作,包括Ralph Lalama、Bill Mays、Bob Dorough、Joe Cohn、Bobby Porcelli、T.S. Monk、Lewis Nash、Eddie Bert等等;演奏地點遍及美國東岸各大爵士樂俱樂部如Blue Note、Birdland、Iridium、Lenox Lounge、Cleopatra’s Needle、Small's, Deer Head Inn等。林煒盛並曾受國際主流爵士媒體All About Jazz New York青睞予以報導,2006年10月由名樂評Donald Elfman為其個人專輯"Gone With the Wind"撰寫樂評並給予佳評,而All About Jazz更曾於2007年7月選擇他為當月值得聆聽人物(Listen Up!)之一。2014年, 因為兩年前在臺灣救援的老狗林熊寶年事已高,行動不便, 決定結束紐約職業樂手生涯搬回台灣照顧老犬,除了在臺灣從事動保志工之外, ,仍然繼續在臺灣從事繁忙的職業樂手工作至今 。 Bassist/guitarist WeiSheng Lin was born in Tainan, Taiwan . He began to study double bass at the second year of college . After one year , he was playing professionally with local musicians in Taipei . In 1999 , WeiSheng moved to New York to pursue graduate studies at State University of New York ,Purchase College . While in school ,he studied with Todd Coolman and Dennis Irwin . WeiShneg finished his graduate studies in 2002 .Since then , he has been very active in New York jazz scene . He has played in many New York jazz clubs , such as Blue Note ,Birdland , Iridium ,Lenox Lounge , Cleopatra's Needle , Small's ,etc . He has performed with Jon Faddis , Bill Mays , Ralph Lalama , Don Sickler , Bob Dorough , Joe Cohn ,Bobby Porcelli, Grant Stewart T'S Monk ,Lewis Nash ,Eddie Bert ,Doug Munro,etc. In 2006 , WeiSheng's debut album "Gone With the Wind" was highly acclaimed by All About Jazz's music critic Donald Elfman .Also, in July of 2007 , All About Jazz picked WeiSheng Lin as 2 of the "listen up" musicians of the month . For the last few years , WeiSheng has been involved in Animal rescue scene in Taiwan ,especially for dogs . In 2014, WeiSheng decided to move back to Taiwan to take care of the senior dog "Shiung Bao",who he has rescued years ago . While spending a lot of time volunteering in animal rescue scene, he still maintains his busy schedule as a professional musician .
Denis Chang Denis Chang是一名來自加拿大的吉他手。受到Django Reinhardr極大的影響, 在Denis Chang成長時一直跟在Fapy Lafertin, Ritary Gaguenetti, Paulus Schfer, Rindo Winterstein 和mmanuel Kassimo這些吉普賽 爵士吉他大師身邊。這位年輕的吉他手也很快地受到不同風格音樂的影 響,發展出自己的風格。 他曾經與許多大師合作過例如: James Carter, Mark O'Connor, Andreas berg, Stochelo Rosenberg (The Rosenberg Trio),Frank Vignola, Yorgui Loeffler, Frank Vignola, Lollo Meier, Stphane Wrembel, Emmanuel Kassimo, Tim Kliphuis, Chriss Campion等等。 他同時也是線上音樂學校DC音樂學院(www.dc musicschool.com)的創 始人。 在2008年,他有幸受邀與Les Paul在紐約的Iridium一起表演。 Denis Chang divides his time between his native Montreal, Canada, Taipei, Taiwan and Tokyo, Japan. He specializes in 1930s Swing Music and also Gypsy Jazz. He is the owner of DC Music School, an online website where he has produced lessons for artists such as Mike Stern, Bireli Lagrene, Ulf Wakenius, John Stowell, Frank Vignola, Pat Martino, and many others. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he is stuck in Taiwan, and has been spending his time developing the bebop language and repertoire
Daniel Brustman Daniel Brustman 有著逾二十年的吉他演奏經驗,擅長的類型包括:爵士,R&B,吉普賽,搖滾 ,鄉村,民謠,雷鬼...等等,豐富的音樂涉獵為他在圈中贏得多方美譽及合作契機;他亦擅長演 奏電子吉他與貝斯。Daniel Brustman近期合作過的音樂人包括格萊美獎得主、知名美國女歌手Hazel Payne,加拿大 法語女聲Marie-Claude Lebel,中國搖滾巨星胡海泉,中國民謠傳奇趙已然...等無數優秀歌手。 Daniel Brustman長年在北京與許多不同風格的樂隊演出,他在2005年組織了一支法國爵士樂隊 "無名樂隊(No Name Trio)";他是"Afrokoko Roots"的創始人之一,這是一支人數多達十 三人的非洲爵士大樂隊;他亦是以下樂隊的創始成員之一:"D & The Hutong Cats",特色為 1950年代的搖滾鄉村音樂,以及愛爾蘭樂隊"Blackwater"。 Daniel Brustman has played the guitar for over twenty years. He has gained a reputation as a flexible player who is equally competent in many different styles – jazz, R&B, gypsy, rock, country, folk, reggae, etc. He also plays electric and double bass. Most recently, Daniel Brustman accompanied Grammy-award winning singer Hazel Payne on a long-term daily engagement. He has also played with numerous other vocalists, including the French-Canadian singer Marie-Claude Lebel, Chinese pop star Hu Haiquan (胡海泉) and Chinese folk legend Zhao Yiran (赵已然) Daniel Brustman plays guitar with several groups in the Beijing jazz scene. He started No Name Trio, a French Manouche/Musette group in 2005. He was a founding member of Afrokoko Roots, a 13-piece afrobeat orchestra. He also formed D & The Hutong Cats, a 1950s-style rockabilly band and Blackwater, a traditional Irish group. Daniel Brustman also teaches guitar.