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台北藍調 耶誕特演 麥可王經典重奏團 X'mas Eve with MWQ 1224

12月24日 週六


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

耶誕前夕週末夜 長號名家王于維 集結樂壇拔尖好手 為您帶來精彩的經典作品以及應景的節慶歌曲 Led by amazing trombonist Michael Wang, the stellar group will perform jazz standards and your favorite X'mas tunes. [ 王于維 Michael Wang | Trombone ] [ 葉政廷 Yeh Cheng Ting | Piano ] [ 黃子瑜 Huang Tzu Yu (Fish) | Drums ] [ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ]

耶誕夜特演 報名已截止 歡迎現場候補 九點以後 Booked solid, plz line up directly at the door after 9pm.
台北藍調 耶誕特演 麥可王經典重奏團 X'mas Eve with MWQ  1224
台北藍調 耶誕特演 麥可王經典重奏團 X'mas Eve with MWQ  1224


2022年12月24日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



NT$600 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費

晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm

Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine.

先到場先入座服務 恕無法指定座位

建議提早入場 以獲得較佳視野座位安排

節慶假日訂位人數較多  或有併桌安排 敬請考量見諒

訂位保留至9:05 逾時取消 請提早入場

Tables are 1st come, 1st seated.  Arrive early for the best seats.

Please arrive before 9:05pm  or your reservation will be cancelled.

[ 王于維 Michael Wang | Trombone ]

長號手Michael Wang是國際爵士樂界新興的人才。生於台灣,在美國長大,曾獲得伯克利音樂學院的全額獎學金,並於2012-2017年就讀。Michael畢業後,移居紐約開始與Mingus大樂隊,Frank Lacy,Slide Hampton,Valery Ponomarev,Josh Evans大樂隊等藝術家合作 2010年發布了首張專輯“Bone of the Wang Vol. 1”in 2020。然而,好景不常,三月紐約疫情突然大爆發,波及了無數的爵士樂酒吧,前景堪憂,在沉寂數月後,他決定回到他的出生地台灣尋找演奏的新契機。回台後,他很快找到了數位優秀的樂手組成四重奏,開始了紐約到台灣的爵士之旅。樂團成立的宗旨是願藉由表演專輯上的樂曲、爵士樂標準(Jazz Standard)和其它現代樂曲來推廣更多Bebop的曲風。由於在紐約其間他受到許多大師,如Roy Hargrove, Frank Lacy 和 Johnny O'Neal等的薰陶和指導,他希望透過他的演奏,讓台灣喜歡爵士樂的朋友能欣賞到第一手的傳統紐約Bebop,進而與國內樂手做更深度的交流。Trombonist, composer, and arranger Michael Wang is an up and coming talent in the NYC music scene. Originally from Sacramento, California, Wang began his studies on the trombone at the age of eleven. In 2012, he moved to Boston to begin his studies at Berklee College of Music as a recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, where he studied with Phil Wilson, Marshall Gilkes, David Santoro, George Garzone, Darren Barrett, among others. He was a member of the Berklee Global Jazz Institute under the direction of Danilo Perez, from 2013-2016. During his time in school Wang participated in several jazz trombone competitions, becoming the winner of the American Trombone Workshop's "Division 1" solo competition in 2015 and was a finalist in the ITA's Carl Fontana and JJ Johnson Competitions, in 2015 and 2016. After graduating Berklee, Wang moved to New York City in 2017 where he began performing regularly with groups such as the Mingus Big Band, Frank Lacy's Smalls Sextet and "Tromboniverse," Josh Evans' Big Band, Pedro Giraudo's Jazz Orchestra, Arturo O'Farrill's Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Alexi David's "Three or Four Shades of Mingus," David Chamberlain's "Band of Bones," among others. He also occasionally leads his own quintet, performing at venues such as Smalls and Fat Cat in Greenwich Village. His debut album, called "Bone of the Wang Volume One," is set to be released in January of 2020 under Outside in Music's "Nextlevel" label. It features Jonathan Elbaz on piano, Giuseppe Cucchiara on bass, Kazuhiro Odagiri on drums, and Juan Felipe Mejia Tobon on percussion, who perform Wang's original compositions and arrangements.

[ 葉政廷 Yeh Cheng Ting | Piano ]

葉政廷靠著完全以''聽音''的方式自學爵士鋼琴十多於年 在學生時代用極大的耐心去模仿爵士專輯的每一個音符與樂句 再將音樂用自己的靈感詮釋出來 早期喜歡的爵士時期為Swing風格 因此自我進修爵士鋼琴時 Swing的風格奠定了爵士鋼琴的基礎 演奏時在和聲或是即興的表現 都會有強烈的傳統爵士聲響 日後由於自己喜愛的爵士風格為Bebop因此深受薩克斯風手Charlie Paker以及小號手Dizzy Gillespie與鋼琴手Bud Powell的影響。

[ 黃子瑜 Huang Tzu Yu (Fish) | Drums ]

來自台灣的鼓手,活躍於兩岸三地音樂圈,不時參與各大音樂節、演唱會、專輯錄音活動;近年更以爵士樂手身份於世界各地演出。曾於 2004 年獲選為 Yamaha Asian Beat Grand Final 最佳鼓手,並於 2012 年簽約為相信音樂藝人積極發展演藝事業。目前擔任 R.O.O.T 以及劉德華世界巡迴演唱會鼓手,為 Canopus Drums、Meinl Cymbals、Schlagwerk 品牌代言人。Huang is a Hong Kong based drummer and an active musician who is easily found in major music festivals and concerts across Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South-East Asia. Besides recording albums for himself and other musicians, he has emerged as a jazz musician and made himself relevant in jazz in the past few years. Huang was also dubbed as the Best Drummer of Yamaha Asian Beat Grand Final, and started his career in the entertainment industry with a contract signed with B’in Music in 2012. He is currently an endorser for Canopus Drums & Meinl Cymbals.d arrangements.   

[ 紀安 Julian Wittich | Bass ]

Julian Wittich (紀安) (1999) 是一位爵士貝斯手和作曲家,目前居住在阿姆斯特丹。出生於台北的 Wittich 7歲就開始拉小提琴,他很快就發現了自己對各種音樂風格的興趣,自學成才在13歲時開始學電貝斯,然後17歲時開始學低音大提琴(double bass)。他目前在阿姆斯特丹音樂學院讀書,跟歐洲一些著名的爵士貝斯手學習,例如 Clemens van der Feen 和 John Clayton。Conveying pure emotion, intensity, and soul through his music, Julian Wittich is a bassist and composer currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As a native of Taipei, Taiwan, Wittich began his musical studies with the violin at 7 years old. He soon discovered his appetite for various styles of music, teaching himself to play the electric bass at age 13 and eventually the double bass at age 17. During his high school years at Taipei American School, Wittich was hailed as one of the most exciting musical prospects in Taiwan, playing semi-professionally throughout the country, winning 2nd Prize at the 2016 Taichung International Jazz Festival Competition, and performing there as a main act that year. Currently studying a Bachelor of Music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Wittich’s influences include: Ray Brown, Christian McBride, Marcus Miller, Oscar Peterson, & many more. He most recently recorded an album in late 2018 with flamenco guitarist DuCroock and Grammy award-winning percussionist Richard Marquez, set to be released in early 2019.  For more information, please visit Wittich’s website at

如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.


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