台北藍調 週三爵士現場 1111 Balanced Jazz Quartet / Every Wed
11月11日 週三
|Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調
演出資歷豐富的薩克斯風手周泰明領銜 集結樂壇優秀新生代的四重奏組合 每週三再另邀搭檔一位嘉賓共演 原汁原味 熱力澎湃 元氣登場 [ 周泰明 Chou Timing | Sax ] [ 林俊宏 Jeffrey Lin | Drums ] [ 石哲安 Stone Shih | Bass ] [ 詹宗霖 Zong-Lin Zhan | Piano ] [ 神秘嘉賓 | 揮揮貓 HuiHui ]
2020年11月11日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00
Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F
演出資歷豐富的薩克斯風手周泰明領銜 集結樂壇優秀新生代的四重奏組合
每週三再另邀搭檔一位嘉賓共演 原汁原味 熱力澎湃 元氣登場
Led by saxophonist Chou Timing, composed of young talented musicians in town,
the band will play bebop jazz standards burst with energy and passion.
[ 周泰明 Chou Timing | Sax ] [ 林俊宏 Jeffrey Lin | Drums ] [ 石哲安 Stone Shih | Bass ]
[ 詹宗霖 Zong-Lin Zhan | Piano ] [ 神秘嘉賓 | 揮揮貓 HuiHui ] ( Photo © Monica Chung )
[ Denis Chang | Guitar 11.04 ] [ Andy Jaffe | Piano 11.11 ] [ 林庭揚 Brandon Lin | Trombone 11.11 ]
[ 蘇聖育 Sam Su | Sax 11.18 ] [ 王于維 Michael Wang | Trombone 11.25 ]
Every Wed NT$420 每週三入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費
Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. / Live Music Charge for 2 people cover one bottle wine.
傳統爵士風格 Hardbop 自組 Balanced 爵士樂團 大樂團合奏經驗豐富 也有豐富經驗帶領小編制樂團 目前每周三晚上固定在 Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調 演出。
16歲開始學習爵士鼓, 2008年參加台北國際爵士音樂營後, 便一頭栽入爵士樂的學習與演出, 演奏風格上受Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones等影響, 曾師事於Quincy Davis, 2009年進入陸軍樂隊服役, 退伍後開始出沒於台北的各大Live House如Blue Note, 雅痞書店, Sappho, 露西亞等地方, 目前每個禮拜三固定於台北Blue Note演出. 曾參與隱分子樂團演出及EP錄製, 李芳旭三重奏於台北爵士音樂節及台中爵士音樂節演出以及9m88 "樂人"頻道的錄製與2017冬季巡迴鼓手。
曾多次受邀於台北爵士音樂節 台中爵士音樂節 世界音樂節 2016台中爵士音樂節新秀競賽第三名。
19歲的新生代鋼琴手,出身於音樂世家。 14、15開始學習爵士樂,之後也到絲竹空的合奏班跟鋼琴家曾增譯學習爵士,演奏風格除了喜愛的bebop和hard bop之外還擅長funk、R&B、hip hop、fusion等樂風。 目前帶領的團“八兩七錢六分五毫四重奏”在2017年台北爵士音樂節“爵士新秀比賽”獲得冠軍的佳績。 2018年參與的”Ride On Time”樂團獲得台中爵士音樂節比賽冠軍。 2019年帶領三重奏”大家好,我們是:”於台中爵士音樂節比賽獲得第二名。 演出遍佈河岸留言、BlueNote、Sappho、Marsalis、享巷Rhythm Alley、中山光一、中山雅樂軒、樂悠悠之口、Jazz head等地。 目前固定在河岸留言與Blue Note擔任Jam Session House Band。
[ Denis Chang | Guitar 11.04 ]
加拿大籍台裔吉他手 迷戀於法國吉普賽吉他手Django Reinhardt。在性格養成的時期Denis投入許多時間與法國、比利時、荷蘭、德國吉普賽人學習如何彈奏所謂的吉普賽爵士。在這段時間,他學習了解羅姆人(Romany)的生活方式,並使自己沉浸於羅姆文化當中。他是極少數學習羅姆語(吉普賽語)的非吉普賽人(gadje)。在音樂會中,他也是極少數會以羅姆語演唱吉普賽歌曲的非吉普賽人!觀眾甚至可以期待從這些不常聽見的歌曲中,透過歌曲的意涵,了解更多關於吉普賽文化!Denis Chang是非常搶手的吉普賽爵士教師。自2004年開始,在他的巡迴中,定期受邀教授課程。學生甚至不遠千里從南非、愛爾蘭、北美各州而來,就是為了上 Denis 的私人課程。除此之外也常受邀全球各地吉普賽爵士營隊授課。表演足跡遍布加拿大、美國、歐洲、日本、英國及台灣。而這些經歷,也造就了他的線上音樂學校< DC Music School >。這個線上學校也邀請了世界上演奏不同曲風的音樂家們,如:Pat Martino、Biréli Lagrène、Ulf Wakenius、Angelo Debarre、Stochelo Rosenberg等眾多國際重量級吉他手。至今,這個網站已經超過15000人註冊,使用者來自全球超過60國家。合作表演過的樂手如:Biréli Lagrène、Angelo Debarre、Adrien Moignard、Stochelo Rosenberg…等等。 Greatly influenced by the music of Django Reinhardt, Taiwanese-Canadian guitarist Denis Chang is the only musician in Canada to appear on Hot Club Records, the Norwegian based Gypsy Jazz label famous for having discovered the likes of the Rosenberg Trio, Jimmy Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Andreas Oberg, etc. He has performed in festivals across the USA, Canada, and Europe with renowned jazz musicians such as Bireli Lagrene, Angelo Debarre, Stochelo Rosenberg, Mark O'Connor, Joscho Stephan, James Carter, Les Paul, Frank Vignola, Andreas Oberg, Dorado Schmitt, etc. Denis is also renowned as a producer of music instructional videos. The DVDs he produced for Canadian publisher Hyperhip Media have sold well over 8000 copies since 2007. In 2011, he created his own online instructional video website DC Music School that now boasts over 15,000 registrations from well over 60 countries.
[ Andy Jaffe | Piano 11.11 ]
美國鋼琴家Andy Jaffe致力於爵士樂教育,曾獲國際爵士教育組織IAJE頒發「爵士教育傑出貢獻獎」 (Outstanding Service to Jazz Education)。於Williams College創立爵士樂課程,後擔任其爵士系主任長達27年,也曾於Berklee College of Music等知名音樂學院任教超過25年,教授眾多音樂學子,包括Branford Marsalis、Wallace Roney、Max Roach、Bill Barron、王力宏等。專注於Duke Ellinton、John Coltrane等爵士名人的樂理研究,編著無數爵士樂理著作,其生平甚至被登錄於Lewis Porter出版的爵士音樂家辭典。Andy Jaffe之爵士樂著作 “Jazz Harmony” 更被選為幾乎各大爵士樂系所必備的教材,成為最有影響力的爵士樂教育出版之一。Andy Jaffe之個人創作包括集結他眾多學生Brandford Marsalis、Wallace Roney等推出的《Manhattan Projections》、《An Imperfect Storm》以及2016年發行之最新專輯《Arc》等。 Composer, author and bandleader Andy Jaffe recently retired from teaching in the Williams College Department of Music, where he founded the jazz program and was its Director for 30 years, as well as having served from 1999- 2009 as Artistic Director of The Williamstown Jazz Festival, which he also founded.Andy has been a leader in jazz pedagogy for forty years, having taught at the Berklee College of Music (1977-81); The Institut Musical de formation Professionelle in Nimes, France (1984); The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Graduate program in Afro-American Music and Jazz (1994-98); Amherst College (1987-99); Tufts University (1991-93); Smith College (1997-99); The Tainan (Taiwan) National University of the Arts (2009 and 2014), as well as at Williams (since 1989), where, besides directing the Jazz ensembles until 2013, he taught courses in jazz ear training, theory/improvisation, arranging/composition, on the music of Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, and the music of Brazil. In addition, he is a founding faculty member at The Vermont College of Fine Arts low residency Masters program in Music Composition and the Impact Music Program at the Taipei (Taiwan) Arts University (國立臺北藝術大學)Impact Music Program.
[ 林庭揚 Brandon Lin | Trombone 11.11 ]
長號手、貝斯手、作曲家以及編曲家,從六歲開始學古典鋼琴,移民到加拿大後,因高中音樂老師的鼓勵產生對爵士樂的興趣,高中畢業後前往伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)就學並獲取全額獎學金。在美國讀書期間與出名爵士鼓手Ralph Peterson的大樂團在紐約的Dizzy’s Club、 波士頓的Sculler’s Jazz Club、以及華盛頓DC Jazz Festival 表演,並一起錄製兩張專輯。
[ 蘇聖育 Sam Su | Sax 11.18 ]
台灣薩克斯風演奏家,以純熟的演奏技巧於爵士音樂、流行音樂等各領域上靈活展現。畢業於比利時(Belgium) 的布魯塞爾皇家音樂學院 (Koninklijk Conservatorium) 2016 年「福爾摩沙任務爵士樂團」發行第二張專輯 (Kind of True) ,並入圍金音獎、28 屆金曲等獎項。2019 年發行 Ciao Bella專輯 榮獲金曲獎肯定。
[ 王于維 Michael Wang | Trombone 11.25 ]
長號手Michael Wang是國際爵士樂界新秀。生於台灣,在美國長大,曾獲得伯克利音樂學院的全額獎學金,並於2012-2017年就讀。Michael畢業後,移居紐約開始與Mingus大樂隊,Frank Lacy,Slide Hampton,Valery Ponomarev,Josh Evans大樂隊等藝術家合作。他最近發布了首張專輯“Bone of the Wang Vol. 1”in 2020。 Trombonist, composer, and arranger Michael Wang is an up and coming talent in the NYC music scene. Originally from Sacramento, California, Wang began his studies on the trombone at the age of eleven. In 2012, he moved to Boston to begin his studies at Berklee College of Music as a recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, where he studied with Phil Wilson, Marshall Gilkes, David Santoro, George Garzone, Darren Barrett, among others. He was a member of the Berklee Global Jazz Institute under the direction of Danilo Perez, from 2013-2016. During his time in school Wang participated in several jazz trombone competitions, becoming the winner of the American Trombone Workshop's "Division 1" solo competition in 2015 and was a finalist in the ITA's Carl Fontana and JJ Johnson Competitions, in 2015 and 2016. After graduating Berklee, Wang moved to New York City in 2017 where he began performing regularly with groups such as the Mingus Big Band, Frank Lacy's Smalls Sextet and "Tromboniverse," Josh Evans' Big Band, Pedro Giraudo's Jazz Orchestra, Arturo O'Farrill's Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Alexi David's "Three or Four Shades of Mingus," David Chamberlain's "Band of Bones," among others. He also occasionally leads his own quintet, performing at venues such as Smalls and Fat Cat in Greenwich Village. His debut album, called "Bone of the Wang Volume One," is set to be released in January of 2020 under Outside in Music's "Nextlevel" label. It features Jonathan Elbaz on piano, Giuseppe Cucchiara on bass, Kazuhiro Odagiri on drums, and Juan Felipe Mejia Tobon on percussion, who perform Wang's original compositions and arrangements.
如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之 歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士
Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.