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台北藍調 週四特演 Dino Dominelli Quartet 0118

1月18日 週四


Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

將帶來現代爵士樂 ✕ 拉丁節奏的夜晚,呈現紐約、洛杉磯的作曲風格,並融合著歐洲根源的爵士精神。An evening of modern Jazz with Latin Rhythms.The quartet features a New York and Los Angeles compositional style with the spirit of European roots. [ Dino Dominelli | Sax ] [ Julian Moreen | Piano ] [ Yohei Yamada | Bass ] [ Chuck Payne | Drums ]

台北藍調 週四特演 Dino Dominelli Quartet 0118
台北藍調 週四特演 Dino Dominelli Quartet 0118


2024年1月18日 下午9:00 – 下午11:00 [GMT+8]

Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調, 10647台湾台北市大安區羅斯福路三段171號4F



NT$500 入場費含一份選定飲料 精選紅白葡萄酒單支開瓶 可抵兩位入場費

晚間九點開演 八點入場 Starts: 9pm Open: 8pm

Live Music Charge w/1 selected drink. Live Music Charge for 2 ppl cover one bottle wine. 

*本店僅收現金 Cash Only*

週一至週四 入場費單點紅白葡萄酒 買一送一

BOGO on House Wine from Mon. to Thur.

Entrance Fee Included.

[ Dino Dominelli | Sax ] 

Award winning Saxophonist Dino Dominelli is highly recognized Canadian Jazz musician and composer. Dominelli has been credited with many featured saxophone sessions on albums with highly acclaimed artists across the world and in Canada. He has shared the stage with notable and legendary groups such as Kurt Elling ,Don Thompson,Bobby Curtola, Bobby Taylor, Steve Eaton and the Four Tops just to name few. Dino also has been the musical director for the Sands Casino Las Vegas situated in Macau China. Dominelli along with his debut album continues to perform with his Jazz group in Canada and Abroad. Currently, Dominelli is Living in Taipei, Taiwan and can be seen performing at top local Jazz venues and Music Festivals along with Golden Melody Award winning artists and rising stars. 

 [ 朱利安莫林 Julian Moreen | Piano ]


[ 山田洋平 Yohei Yamada | Bass ] 

美國百克里音樂院畢業,主俢爵士貝斯,爵士低音提琴演奏(Bass Performance Major)。在校期間師事Anthony Vitti, Barry Smith, Joe Santerre 等音樂家,並在日本與山崎实(群馬交響樂團低音大提琴首席,東京City Philharmonic 管弦樂團低音提琴首席)學習古典演奏。 従2008年至今,受邀擔任兩廳院夏日爵士音樂營低音提琴講師,目前任教國立東華大學音樂系爵士音樂組講師。曽與多位著名爵士音樂家,Paquito D’Rivera, Jimmy Cobb, Albert “tootie” Heath, John Riley, Jeff Rupert, Michael Philip Mossman, Antonio Hart, Alex Sipiagin, Benjamin Schmid, Brian Lynch, Cliff Almond, JAVA FIVE等,,,,,共同演出。2013年起,參與歌手王若琳Joanna Wang海內外音樂表演,遍及美國鈕釣,英國,香港,馬來西亞,中國等地,並參與錄製「House of Bullies」CD專輯。此外,也參與歌手曹格「2014 World Tour of Gary Chaw」演唱會演出,其他合作歌手如周惠,辛曉琪,張宇等。亦參與董陽孜書法藝術跨界劇場《騷》,擔任音樂設計,音樂演奏。2011年參與百老匯音樂劇《Anything Goes 》音樂,擔任低音提琴演奏。

[ Chuck Payne | Drums ]


如遇不可抗拒因素而替換演出樂手 恕不另行公告之

歡迎光臨台北藍調 歡迎同樂爵士 Welcome to Blue Note Taipei. Welcome to the Jazz World.


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