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作家相片Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

台北藍調_海內外爵士樂迷們的指標重鎮 ⟪All About Jazz⟫ Jazz Mainstay For Locals And Expats Alike


" Taiwan's Blue Note Taipei: Jazz Mainstay For Locals And Expats Alike " by Doug Hall

雖然說爵士樂無國界,但能夠在探索世界的旅途中,偶然不期而遇某個珍稀爵士樂據點,實屬美妙機緣如獲至寶。創設於1974年,位居台灣首都的台北藍調是間歷史悠久的爵士樂咖啡館,始終是在地的忠實樂迷、全球海外旅客、爵士樂手和新進樂迷們的必訪聖地。在2019年傳承接棒,交由黃信哲 (人稱阿哲) 和他的姊姊黃丹 (人稱Carter) 聯手經營,每週七晚無間斷的現場演出,舉凡二重奏、三重奏、四重奏、大樂隊等各式精彩編制帶來的各式經典曲風,持續延綿台北藍調始終熱情不綴的爵士脈動。 Though jazz knows no boundaries, it still remains a wonderful surprise and reward to find a gem of a jazz club in whatever corner of the world you happen to find yourself. Since 1974, The Blue Note Taipei, a cozy historic jazz café in the capital city of Taiwan, has been just such a place for loyal local listeners, tourists visiting from abroad, students of jazz or new ears to the music. In short, since becoming co-owners/managers in 2019, Huang Xinzhe (who goes by the nickname A-zhe) and his sister Huang Dan (who goes by her English nickname Carter), have been delivering their passion for this music seven evenings a week. Offering a creative set list and dynamic range of bands from quartets, trios, big-band and instrumental, to styles from standards, bebop, smooth and improvisational, the Blue Note Taipei keeps a steady pulse of jazz late into the evening.

回顧過往1974年,台北藍調的創始者蔡輝陽 (人稱蔡爸) 在永康公園附近的小店鋪起家立業,主要銷售爵士樂唱片和樂器。蔡爸原是專職的小號演奏家,後來漸漸退下演藝舞台,轉而專注於推廣爵士樂志業 。阿哲回憶說:早期複合式經營持續了好幾年,販售唱片錄音卡帶、結合餐飲展演的咖啡茶館、甚至在下午時段承接教學課程化身為音樂教室。 阿哲在2001年來到台北藍調,而當時Carter已經在那裡擔任酒保一段時間了。蔡爸和阿哲與Carter之間,因著同樣對爵士樂的熱愛、同事間協力扶持而日久生誼。之後蔡爸年屆退休,阿哲和Carter於是接棒,更加多元經營爵士樂的聆賞推廣。 The story behind the original development of the Blue Note Taipei harks back to the founding owner, Cai Hui-yang, "who started in a small space in Yongkang Park (a neighborhood of Taipei), in 1974, primarily selling jazz and blues records and musical instruments," says A-zhe. Cai was also a jazz musician and performed at his club, eventually concentrating on live performances. A-zhe recalls, "for the longest time we were a combo operation, originally still selling music and instruments and also operating as a restaurant, café, tea shop, music venue and bar—even as a classroom, with jazz lessons given in the afternoons."

A-zhe came to the Blue Note in 2001 where Carter had already been working as a bartender. There was a natural relationship built over time between Cai and A-zhe and Carter based on a profound appreciation and love for jazz. Upon Cai's retirement, A-zhe and Carter were eager to continue the operation and management, but also needed to focus on expanding their audience.

除了持續維繫台北藍調固有的小巧雅緻溫潤風格,扶攜在地優秀的爵士樂音樂家,阿哲和Carter更是積極尋求開拓年輕世代的樂迷受眾。藉由各式網路社群媒介經營,打造專屬的官方網站。相較於之前的樂迷受眾多屬中老年族群,演出節目安排新意寥寥,Carter更渴望企求有更多人樂於聆聽、進而欣賞樂音的美好,而不僅止於推廣讓更多人習得演繹爵士樂的學院教育。 對本地爵士樂界發展尤其重要的是,台北藍調不吝於提供給新進爵士樂學員們登台展演的寶貴機會。有多位長駐台北藍調演出的音樂家前輩們,本身也任教於大專院校相關音樂學系,於是他們的學生們得以藉由實地登台演出,獲取寶貴的學習經驗。甚至有些學員平時只在校園琴房裡練習,生平第一次登台演出就在台北藍調。阿哲特別提到:這其實是互蒙其惠,因為這些學員們本身就已經是爵士樂的推廣大使,他們的家人、朋友、同儕們因而耳聞爵士樂,進而造訪台北藍調以及其他的爵士樂展演據點。 While keeping with the original style and philosophy of a small intimate café venue and promotion of Taiwanese musicians, A-zhe and Carter also wanted to attract a younger crowd. Since taking over the Blue Note Taipei, they have actively pursued and developed marketing through web-based promotion such as their Facebook page and their own Blue Note Taipei website. Prior to their ownership of the club, there had been more middle-aged listeners and less variety in jazz styles performed. Carter explains her goal was to "attract more people to enjoy and appreciate the music, rather than students just learning about jazz through instrument instruction at school." Most importantly for the jazz community in Taiwan, both co-managers have created hands-on performance opportunities for jazz students who are studying with some of Blue Note Taipei's regular leading band players. On certain occasions, under mentorship by professional musicians teaching at universities in Taiwan, students are given the chance to practice their skills on the stage at the Blue Note Taipei -many of them for the first time. Once a month, a larger band format is arranged, onto this quartet-sized stage, providing practical experience for a student who has only played in a university music practice room. A-zhe points out an added promotional benefit for the jazz club is that these same jazz students become ambassadors for jazz, bringing family, friends and university colleagues to his venue and other clubs in Taipei.

在台灣,優秀音樂家們不虞匱乏,負笈海外優異音樂學院的樂手們比比皆是,曾經留學美國波士頓伯克利音樂學院的尤其多。著名者有薩克斯風演奏名家楊曉恩,其所領銜的變形蟲樂團長駐台北藍調多年,每隔雙週的週五夜晚演繹經典的爵士曲目。筆者曾現場聆賞楊曉恩的演出,她自信流暢地吹奏薩克斯風與長笛,展現超凡的即興獨奏藝術。她同時也任教於大專院校,教授爵士樂的相關課程。曾經錄製了幾張專輯作品,其中的『簡單生活』更是獲得2016年台灣金曲獎最佳演奏專輯的殊榮。 另一位同樣畢業於伯克利音樂學院,台北出生加州成長,備受矚目的長號新秀王于維,固定在每個月的第一個週日夜晚於台北藍調登台演出。自稱是疫情難民海歸音樂家,他在2020年中,離開疫情重創的美國返回原生地台灣尋求契機。曾經榮獲音樂學院全額獎學金獎助的他,求學期間亦是著名的BGJI成員之ㄧ。2017年王于維學成後,轉往紐約發展,開始參與諸多著名樂團演出,並在2020年發行首張專輯,收錄他個人的原創作品。如同大多數的海歸音樂家們一樣,他也渴望為本地的爵士樂界貢獻心力,打算繼續留居台灣,參與眼前蓬勃成長的爵士教育啟發。 Talent in Taiwan is not in short supply either, as many of the current and regular band leaders and members of quartets and trios have resumes that include study abroad at highly regarded music schools such as Berklee College of Music in Boston. Shawna Yang, a professional saxophone musician, mentor and instructor, can be heard playing a variety of styles—varying from traditional to bebop—as she leads her quartet "Meta"(short for metamorphosis) every Friday night at the Blue Note Taipei. Ms. Yang received a full scholarship at Berklee in Boston (2000-03'), majoring in performance (with the tenor saxophone as her principle instrument), while also taking additional coursework in jazz improvisation. Yang was also very active on stage during this time, performing in several jazz ensemble bands at Berklee. She currently teaches a Big Band club at the National Taiwanese University, mentors jazz studies students and teaches additional classes at area universities. On the night I saw her, Yang took her quartet confidently through compositions by John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk and Stan Getz, amongst other selections, with full solo-commanding artistry of her own on saxophone and flute. Ms. Yang has released several CD's as well, with her most recent Simple Life(AsiaMuse Entertainment, 2015) , recorded in New York, winning "Best Instrumental Album" at the 2016 Gold Melody Awards in Taiwan (Taiwan's version of the Grammy Awards).

Michael Wang, California, and another Berklee College of Music graduate, recording jazz trombonist and band leader, is performing with his quartet the first Sunday of every month at the Blue Note Taipei. A self-proclaimed refugee from the United States due to Covid restrictions, he returned to Taiwan as live performances are available here for musicians due to the government's successful control of Covid, allowing for social gatherings that include concert and club venues (with mask requirements for all events). Recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, Mr. Wang was a member of the innovative Berklee Global Jazz Institute in Boston from 2013-2016, and studied under the director, founder, and renowned jazz pianist and composer, Danilo Pérez. Wang's debut album Bone of Wang, Volume One (Next Level, 2020) is mostly original compositions that carry forward a variety of jazz influences from New York-based trombonist, singer, arranger and bandleader Frank Lacy, and legendary bassist, composer and arranger Charles Mingus. Wang also played under band leader Lacy and the Mingus Big Band as well as other gigs in Greenwich Village during this period. As with all Taiwanese jazz musicians I've met, there is a desire to give-back to students of jazz locally. Wang is planning on staying in Taiwan for the near future, helping influence the next generation of jazz musicians, "I am thinking of staying here in Taiwan to help the jazz scene grow, and be a mentor to many up-and-coming jazz musicians who are here now."

就和世界上所有的爵士音樂家一樣_充滿熱情,矢志與更多的樂迷受眾分享與探索樂音的美好_台灣本地的爵士音樂家們,在經濟層面上,同樣也遭逢舉世皆然的嚴酷挑戰。除卻演奏本業之外,還必須多角度經營以維繫生計_列如:學院教學或私徒授課、接案參與編曲錄音協奏、或是搭檔流行演藝界的各式巡迴商演。 既使面臨著爵士樂界與生俱來、小眾非主流的經營挑戰,掌管台北藍調的阿哲還是頗樂觀地認為:台灣的爵士樂界步履穩健,愈趨茁壯指日可待。相較於前幾個世代,當今的爵士樂教育以及展演規劃完善多元,更多年輕世代的參與得以灌注豐沛活力。筆者認為,無可厚非地,像阿哲和Carter這樣的爵士樂推廣大使,全年無休、肩負使命熱情、致力維繫經營,更是開拓豐富了爵士樂的世界。 Like all jazz musicians around the world, you play because you are committed, passionate and want to explore and share with a wider audience. Monetarily, Taiwanese jazz musicians are faced with the same universal challenges of needing work outside of the performing stage, to maintain a living. Many teach at the university level, mentor through private tutoring, perform as side musicians for recording studios and, in some cases, perform and record with top pop and contemporary artists.

Even with the innate challenges of making a living in the jazz world, Blue Note Taipei owner A-zhe points out that jazz, overall, "is healthy in Taiwan, and will get even better." He cites that Taiwanese university curriculum has been rapidly expanding, offering jazz study and performance programs that didn't exist 5-10 years ago and that ultimately "it is the youth" that will continue growing a wider jazz audience. In no small way it is also the dedicated, hardworking, passionate ambassadors to jazz like A-zhe and Carter, who do the "heavy lifting" behind the scenes at the Blue Note Taipei, seven days a week, that makes jazz a wider world.

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